Our Story

How it all started...

It all started about 14 years ago while doing youth ministry, God began to speak to Pastor Joshua and Rebecca about planting a church and impacting a community with the Gospel and Presence of God, and training and equipping the church to go out and reach people where they are. They are sons and daughters that need to come home and that is the mission of the church! 

    Now years later, after being in youth ministry, helping to plant 2 other churches and leading youth camps, God has released them to plant The Gathering Church.
This is just the Beginning and the Best is yet to come!

Expanding the vision...

Our vision and Goal as the Gathering church is to leave the 99 to go after the ones that have forgotten who they are and who they are created to be. It is about getting out into the streets and finding those lost sons and daughters and bringing them home to the Father.
   Jesus has a passion for all of us and He came to pay the price for every single person. We will go after the lost, broken, hurting and mis-identified through feeding them God's word and taking care of them where they are. It is time to get out of the 4 walls of a building and go. 

Where we are headed...

We are headed into a new era where we take back what the enemy has stolen from us and we begin to Occupy the land that the Lord has given us. That means taking care of the homeless, poor, widows and the next generation coming up in the Kingdom.

Joshua 1: 3
 Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you, just as I spoke to Moses.

Be a part of our story...

Join us once a month on Sunday @ 5pm. Dates will be announced